Hashed Out

Technical discussion, random musings, and the occasional bad pun.

Coinance: jQuery (or How I Learned to Be Patient and Love the Debugger)


For the 4th Portfolio Project in this coding journey, we were tasked with adding jQuery and Javascript to our already existing Rails portfolio project. This was a unique Porfolio Project concept since up until now, we all had to create an entire app from scratch. However, to mimic a more authentic software development experience where we are adding a new feature to an already existing app structure.

Rails Project: Coinance


Sinatra Project: TrackBeer


CLI Ruby Gem Portfolio Project: Integrating an API


BehaviorError, not SyntaxError

For the past few days I have been working on a program of Tic Tac Toe in Ruby with a command line interface (CLI) component, that also has an computer (AI) component. This program is meant to be a digital version of Tic Tac Toe with 3 options: 1) Human vs Human, 2) Human vs Computer, and 3) Computer vs Computer.